Facebook Denki Blocks! – Now Live!

“What have Denki been doing this week?”, I hear you ask. “Why, that’s easy” I say,  “we’ve been making Denki Blocks! Daily Workout.” “What’s that?”, you enquire, intrigued. “Also easy” I say, “it’s a whole new version of Denki Blocks!…

Juggle! Update v1.1

We came in this morning to an email from Apple telling us that our Juggle! update has been approved.  Yay!  That means the next time you log on to the App Store you should be prompted to update Juggle! to…

Updates Galore!

What’s this? More Denki releases? Yep – we submitted another two applications to Apple for review on Friday – an update of Juggle! and (drum roll please!) our very first iPad game, which as you might guess is: Denki Blocks!…