Release Chat – 15 / 3 / 10
In which young Mr Hogarth takes you by the hand and leads you through the aisles of your favourite media retail outlet store facility.
In which young Mr Hogarth takes you by the hand and leads you through the aisles of your favourite media retail outlet store facility.
In which Stewart rounds-up releases for this week. Come on, you know how this works now...
In which David attempts to justify why he's in San Francisco visiting people like Pixar (Squeee!) and IDEO.
In which David gives some top tips on how to be a good Quarrel player. Such as reading the dictionary.
In which Stew recounts the week's releases, both games and film.
In which Stewart advises you to Press A to NOT read this article!
In which David recommends another book. Again focused on pictures rather than words. Is there a pattern emerging here?
In which David helps you define and measure your fun.
In which Stew considers the future of all the games of yesteryear.
In which Stew dissects an alien, preys upon the weak and feeble and investigates a scary lighthouse - all before dinner. He suggests you do the same...