
The Value of Variation

In which David points out something remarkable about Denki's guest of the year, Bud Luckey, and his work on Toy Story.

Release Chat – 11/01/10

In which Stewart once more takes upon himself the mantle of muse, guide and wise one, for the first Release Roundup of the year. Read on and learn much

Board Game Goodness

In which David suggests you check out games of a non-digital variety. The very nerve of the fellow.

Set High Standards

In which David points out why high standards are good for you.

Release Chat – Avatar

In which Stewart looks at the consumer media with the intense gaze of a robot detective in a murderama.

Bring A Solution

In which David blatantly borrows once again from TV production...

Release Chat : Week Of 7 / 12 / 09

Seasonal eggnog cheer and media figgy goodness from Mr Jollycod's Emporium of Panopticon Smashery. Or Stu's Release Chat if you'd prefer...