The Style of Play
In which David talks about the correct way to use the word 'casual'.
In which David talks about the correct way to use the word 'casual'.
In which David attempts to define one of our actual job titles. RLY.
In which David points towards a great book about film editing.
Stu stares into the void. The void stares back. Who will crack first?
Art deco hydrophobia, a hairy fellow with whopping incisors and a girl/fish combo animated feature. Why, it's Stewart's regular release round-up...
In which David simply posts a video. :-)
In which Colin urges developers to give audio equal billing to every other facet of a game.
In which David reports back from being a judge at this year's Scottish Game Jam.
In which young Stew regales us with tales of this week's hot releases...
In which 'wor Stu introduces the games and movies he thinks are toppermost of the poppermost (for the week commencing 25/01/10).