Quarrel Question Time

Hey, you! Got a burning question about Quarrel that you want Mr Gary Penn to answer? Well now’s your chance.

Next week we’ll be recording our first ever Quarrel & Answers session, we’re poised and ready to answer but first we need your questions.

Pop your question in the comments section or tweet it to @denkigames with the hashtag #Q&A

Q. Is it true Malik originally looked like Derek Acorah?

A. Unbelievably, yes!

Why are we doing this? Well, since the release of Quarrel we’ve been sent a steady stream of questions from both yourself, the lovely blog reader, and our followers on Twitter. Since Filtergate, the volume of questions has been noticeably higher so now feels like a good time to clear a couple of things up whilst taking answering Quarrel queries to the next level…Level 2005: Video.

Also, we very much enjoyed this recent Q&A video from Spilt Milk Studios so, in the topical spirit of cloning, we decided to do something similar…very similar.
