I’m Finnished

Dear Internet, I’m afraid I have some sad news.

By the time you read this, I will have left Denki. And, in case you haven’t noticed yet, it’s also Monday, which doesn’t help things.

I’ve left for Berlin to join my significant other, who has found a very nice job there (and hopefully I will too). It’s all a bit sudden and, believe me, this happened a lot sooner than I expected as well. I would have mentioned this before, but Quarrel‘s had it so good last week, I didn’t want to spoil it by dropping this on Friday.

This is my last blog post for now, and it seems such a short time ago when I wrote my first. It also seems like such a long time ago, because I’ve learnt so much on the way. So much that I don’t even know how to write about it all. Therefore, as a roleplaying nerd, I’m going to go explain this by assigning experience points to my old and new skillz:

  • Game design (school of Gaz): +1
  • Marketing: +2
  • Video production: +2
  • Video editing: +4
  • Running a game company: +5
  • Realities of game industry: +20
  • Self-knowledge (work habits): +100
  • Making tea: +0.5 (I was very often beaten to punch by this ravenous bunch of tea guzzlers)

The only regret I have is that I could not make a special blog post for “Talk Like a Pirate” day and the many awesome lolcats that would’ve gone with it. But though I’ll be gone, lots of my work will live on here in Denki, such as these:

Exit for Gentlemen

Exit for Pirates

So next time you’re at Denki Towers, please remember to use the right exit depending on whether you’re a pirate or a gentleman.

On the bright side, now that I’m no longer an employee, there’s nothing to stop me from telling you all about Denki’s super-secret [REDACTED], which also involves [CLASSIFIED] and [CENSORED] hanging from the [TOP SECRET]. Plus, we are in co-operation with [REMOVED] to make hamsters [ACCESS DENIED]. Plus [NAME WITHHELD FOR NATIONAL SECURITY REASONS] is really a major [NOT APPROPRIATE].

Whew, felt good to finally get that off my chest!

Goodbye from the team

This is from the card I got on my last day. I want to point out that this is farewell [19 points] and not goodbye [20 points] (though I can understand that they’d want to choose the higher-scoring word), because once you work at Denki, you never really leave. Or it never really leaves you. And at least I can say I left Denki with a BANG!

Gary and BANG!

And you – brilliant, smart and funny blog readers – I leave you with this picture of me in my awesome pirate hat:

The most awesome pirate hat ever

So KTHXBAI (28 points!) and on to new adventures!

Signing out,
