Get Your Blocks Off (Part Two)
See Me, Hear Me, Feel Me So where was I? Oh yeah… STOP, LOOK, LISTEN (TO YOUR HEART) For the iPhone Denki Blocks! audio-visual style it felt right to return to Puzzle Island. But rather than resurrect the whole GBA…
See Me, Hear Me, Feel Me So where was I? Oh yeah… STOP, LOOK, LISTEN (TO YOUR HEART) For the iPhone Denki Blocks! audio-visual style it felt right to return to Puzzle Island. But rather than resurrect the whole GBA…
BACK IN BLOCK Sorry, Orbital, but now I, Gary Penn, have a new favourite digital snack… Denki Blocks! on the iPhone. Om. Nom. Nom. And nom. Oh, yes. We were itching to do another Denki Blocks! and now seemed as…
Some tasty treats straight out of the oven… We’re busy perfecting the recipe right now, expect more news very, very soon. – Sean
It’s only been three weeks since Black Easter Monday dawned, but it feels like an age. So much has changed in such a short time, and the dust is only now beginning to settle. These weeks have been tough for…
It’s with a heavy heart that I have to announce a major restructuring of Denki that will inevitably involve losing many of our supremely talented colleagues – not to mention friends – from the team. After ten years in business…
In which David points out a nice little exhibition about one of Dundee's own.
In which David stuns the world by sporting the first Denki tattoo.
In which David coins a new phrase: Experience Values.
In which Stewart laments the lack of games-related releases and infuriates Daily Mail readers with his good opinion.
In which Stewart introduces new games titles for your pleasure and delight - and tells you how to cheat 'the man' and his wicked Pokemon acolytes.