A Good End To The Week

I’ll be honest – I’ve had worse days.  In fact, recently I’ve had many worse days.  But today wasn’t one of them, for a few reasons. First, Denki Blocks! has made its way to the front page of Apple’s App…

Denki Support (Part Two)

At Denki we like to do things differently and as a consequence we would like to let you know of bugs which actually exist in our games and how to go about finding them yourselves. What is a bug? A…

Denki Support (Part One)

At Denki, we want to answer any questions you have about our games as best we can; therefore we’ve set up a specific support email for you to keep in contact with us. If you have a query about one…

Denki’s Value For Money Guarantee

Denki Blocks! Now available in the App Store priced £2.99. Comes with Denki’s Value For Money Guarantee.  If you buy it and don’t think it delivers good value for money we’ll donate the purchase price to the World Child Cancer charity.…

See What You’re Missing?

So, as you’ve probably heard by now, Denki released its first iPhone game yesterday: Denki Blocks! Yay us! Hardly a week’s gone by since the App Store launched when someone hasn’t asked us when Denki Blocks! will be available for…

Denki Blocks! GO!

WOOHOO! Denki Blocks! and Denki Blocks! Free are on the iPhone and now available from the App Store. Oh – and remember: if you have something to say about Denki Blocks!, say it, no matter how… honest.