It’s Objectified Week!
In which David gives a gentle nudge that Objectified is on tonight! And Thursday!
In which David gives a gentle nudge that Objectified is on tonight! And Thursday!
In which Stu once more bravely telegraphs his highlights of this week's releases from his plush, though water-logged shell crater on the front lines of the culture war...
In which Colin considers videogames as live performance alongside the inexorable horror of it all going wrong in public...
In which David reminds you that next week is the latest awesome installment of the Denki Documentary series: Objectified!
In which Stewart regales us with the latest goodies you can play, watch and love.
In which David spots someone giving a talk remarkably like the one he gave at Develop in July...
In which Mr Hogarth reveals this weeks cultural delights and treasures from the world of media which may be worthy of your attention.
In which David talks about adopting the word 'Quarrel', and why you should adopt a word too.
In which David solicits questions for an upcoming episode of Denki Radio. Leave your question(s) in a comment.
In which Stew examines this week's releases in the wacky world of games...