Release Chat : Week Of 7 / 12 / 09
Seasonal eggnog cheer and media figgy goodness from Mr Jollycod's Emporium of Panopticon Smashery. Or Stu's Release Chat if you'd prefer...
Seasonal eggnog cheer and media figgy goodness from Mr Jollycod's Emporium of Panopticon Smashery. Or Stu's Release Chat if you'd prefer...
In which Christmas comes early for Scotland's game developers and Colin explains why.
In which David co-opts a term from the world of television, and tries it on for the games industry.
In which young Mr Hogarth rails against the need to explain every single thing, ever and instead recalls the pleasure of using your imagination!
In which 'wor Stu' sums up the latest games and movies - in the style of Ant or Dec.
In which Stewart wonders whether we really needed 'that scene' in the first place...
In which David brings your attention to Edge 209, a delightful issue of a delightful magazine.
In which David reminds us that Blast! is screening tonight at the DCA.
In which young Mr Hogarth informs the reading multitudes of many new an exciting releases across the next seven days. Cheer him, we say...
In which David reports on a visit to Denki Towers by this years Scottish Learning Festival Dragons' Den winning team!