Denki Finally Scores a Big Hit!

Okay, so we had to call the game Big Hit Baseball to do it, but we still reckon that counts!

The game was actually released several weeks ago, but we held off mentioning it because we’d already started work on an updated even before it launched. And what an update – real-time, synchronous multiplayer no less!

We retrofitted the multiplayer mode in to Big Cup Cricket too, so now you can take on your friends or complete strangers from around the world at Cricket and Baseball whenever you want through Game Center.

It’s the first time Denki’s done multiplayer on iOS, and we’re really pleased with the results. It feels great playing real people – except when the match-making accidentally pairs me against Sean, of course. Then there’s absolutely no fun to be had; it’s purely a lesson in pain…

The multiplayer definitely brings out the subtlety of the controls Gary designed, with matches see-sawing back and forward dramatically, often right up to the last ball.

Screenshot from Big Hit Baseball multiplayer

When we launched Big Cup Cricket back in November, Gary outraged a lot of people (as is his want…) by announcing that he considered it to be the best cricket game he’d ever played on any platform ever. Is he going out on a limb again this time with Big Hit Baseball, I wonder?

“Hmmm…”, he muses, “there’s a lot more quality competition in the Baseball space than the Cricket space.  Let’s put it this way, it’s definitely my favourite baseball game on any platform ever.”

So there you have it – yet another outrageous claim from Mr Penn!

Do let us know how you enjoy the all-new multiplayer experience.
