Save the Day: Play Now!

The first public version of our new game, Save the Day, is available to play RIGHT NOW!

Save the Day

What is Save the Day? Well, Save the Day is the world’s first ever Save ‘Em Up game. A lovingly crafted snack portion of arcade action with an onus on rescue rather than rage.

Going public with Save the Day is remarkable for three reasons…

#1 – It’s still in very early development.

We think it’s important to build games that fulfil the needs of you, the player. The more people who play now, the better we can mould the final game. So have a play and tell us what you think, every comment counts!.

#2 – It’s built on Lean Startup principles

We want to change the way games are made, we want to sculpt a scalable and sustainable process within which our teams can craft games which surprise and delight their players.

How? By using the principles of Lean Startup and Customer Development. We’ve spoken about this before but we’ll be discussing it in greater detail in some forthcoming blogs.

#3 – We’re trying to deliver player delight from Day -1

Our aim is to always uphold the Denki Difference, right from the very first rough sketch of play. Without that solid foundation, you’re never going to be able to build a delightful and compelling game. Judging by our Twitter mentions, we’ve got something worth building upon.

In the next few of weeks we’ll be dissecting the development so far of Save the Day. There’s been a lot of mistakes, a lot of lessons learned and – crucially – a lot of fun along the way.

Stay tuned for those, in the meantime, see you on the leaderboards.


I don’t know if you noticed but we’ve put some goodies up on the site for you.