Quarrel scoops “Best Game” award at Scottish BAFTAs!

So, it turns out that we haven’t been deluding ourselves all this time – Quarrel really is a bit special after all.  And, importantly, we now have independent validation of that in the form of the “Best Game” award from last night’s Scottish BAFTAs held in Glasgow.

That’s a relief.

We’ll have more on this story once the hangovers settle down a bit.  Until then, suffice it to say we’re really pleased to see a game that so many people poured their hearts and souls in to for so long finally start to pick up the recognition we believe it deserves.  Today we share this with everyone who has ever supported Quarrel and made it what it is today – the best game Scotland has produced in 2011.

Thanks to everyone for their continued belief and support – it means a lot to us.

Now, where did I put the Ibuprofen… 🙂
